Cell membranes and transport quiz

Suitable for A/AS-level and Higher biology students.
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1. Which of these is part of the cell membrane?
a. triglycerides
b. phospholipids
c. ATP
d. more than one of these

2. How do fat-soluble molecules normally get into a cell?
a. they dissolve in the fat layers of the membrane and enter the cell by diffusion
b. they pass through protein pores in the cell membrane
c. they are absorbed by phagocytosis
d. they never get in

3. The phospholipids are unusual molecules because:
a. they have hydrophilic regions
b. they have hydrophobic regions
c. they are triglycerides
d. both A and B

4. Which of the following statements best describes the "fluid mosaic model" of the structure of the cell membrane?
a. two layers of protein with lipid layers between the protein layers
b. two layers of lipid with proteins between the lipid layers
c. a double layer of lipid molecules with protein molecules suspended in the layer
d. A single layer of protein on the outside and a single layer of lipids on the inside

5. The movement of chloride ions from an area where chloride is concentrated to an area where chloride is less concentrated is which of these?
a. diffusion
b. active transport
c. osmosis
d. exocytosis

6. If a cell has a solute concentration of 0.07% which of the solutions would be hypotonic to the cell?
a. 0.01% solute
b. 0.1% solute
c. 1% solute
d. 10% solute

7. Which of the following is necessary in order for osmosis to occur?
a. a permeable membrane
b. a semi-permeable membrane
c. an isotonic solution
d. ATP

8. Which of these are passive transport mechanisms?
a. osmosis
b. diffusion
c. phagocytosis
d. both A and B

9. In an isotonic solution there would be:
a. no net movement of water
b. net movement of water into the cell
c. net movement of water out of the cell
d. bursting of the cell

10. The sodium-potassium pump (which carries sodium out of a cell and potassium into a cell) is an example of:
a. active transport
b. endocytosis
c. exocytosis
d. passive transport

11. The process of a cell engulfing a solid object is:
a. phagocytosis
b. exocytosis
c. pinocytosis
d. diffusion

12. What is likely to happen to a plant cell that is placed in pure water?
a. it becomes turgid
b. it becomes flaccid
c. it undergoes plasmolysis
d. it bursts

13. When a cell bursts due to osmosis, it is in a solution that is:
a. hypertonic
b. isotonic
c. hypotonic
d. either A or C

14. Why do plant cells behave differently to animal cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?
a. Plant cells are permeable to water
b. Plant cells do not carry out active transport
c. Plant cells contain a vacuole
d. Plant cells have a cell wall

15. Which of these equations is correct?
a. ATP + inorganic phosphate --> ADP
b. ADP + inorganic phosphate --> ATP
c. ATP + ADP --> inorganic phosphate


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Answers: 1b, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8d, 9a, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13c, 14d, 15b

© Andrew Gray, 2006